April 8, 2012

Whole wheat biscuits

J has been asking for biscuits and gravy a lot lately for weekend breakfasts. I shared my gravy recipe here, but I suppose you might want to know how to do the biscuits too, huh?

Since moving to the south I have developed a fond appreciation for biscuits (perhaps too fond? Ahem...)

Anyways, there is a distinct method to making biscuits. Once you know how to do it, you will always make good biscuits.

Here is what you'll need:
2 1/2 cups white whole wheat flour
1 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
1/3 cup butter, refrigerated until very hard
2 tbsp baking powder

In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt, baking power. With your handy-dandy cheese grater, grate in your very cold butter. Use real. unsalted. butter. please. Margarine is not butter-it is an abomination of nature. I mean really, do you even know wtf margarine is?

Anyways, mix this all together. The butter will look like little flecks in your flour, this is good! Now, here comes the fun part, where we use our best judgement:

Slowly mix in some milk, a little at a time, until a stiff dough forms. Sprinkle some flour on your counter, plop the dough on it, and with a floured rolling pin quickly roll out the dough until its about an inch or so thick. Using a cookie cutter, or in my case a mason jar lid, cut out your biscuits. Place on a baking sheet an inch or so apart. Bake at 375 for about 15 minutes, or until lightly golden.

Smothered with gravy. The fruit makes it healthy, right? Right??

You can eat them in a variety of ways. Smother them with gravy, butter or jam, but eat them the same day you cook them. They just aren't that super the next day.

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