October 22, 2012

What frugal eating looks like: this weeks snapshot

Sorry about there not being many posts (or any, really...) this week. It has been a long, tiring, and sad week.

We had a family member pass away this week, and a few days later an old coworker of mine passed away from complications from cancer. I also started my new job, had my birthday, J traveled out of state, and we had two other family birthdays. It was a busy week during a time that we could have used some down time. But life doesn't always afford us what we want, does it? It always affords us what we need...so in that respect we are very blessed. We were able to end the week with an overnight trip to North Carolina, which was really great. We both needed to get out of town, get back to nature, and see some family.

Needless to say, it was a good week for comfort food, and a nice long drive through the fall foliage just to clear our heads.

Taco pasta salad

lasagna in the process of being made (dog supervising)

north carolina

along the blue ridge parkway

lovely fall colors

enjoying the drive

bbq veggie pizza
It wouldn't be a food blog if I didn't end with a picture of food, right? Ha. Anyways....I hope to have more posts this coming weekend. Stay tuned, folks.

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